Research group on modelling heat and substance transfer in buildings and HVAC systems
Leader: prof. Ing. Ondřej Šikula, Ph.D.

The long-term goal of the group’s research activities is to maximize energy savings in buildings, maximize the use of renewable energy sources, optimize the indoor climate of buildings and contribute to the energy security and self-sufficiency of our society. In pursuit of these goals, the research group focuses on computer modelling and simulation of heat and substance transfer in buildings, building components and technical building systems (BTS), development and validation of in-house computational models and simulation software. The current topic is the use of thermally activated building structures (typically in the form of large-scale radiant systems) designed to create the indoor environment of buildings, and the application of thermally activated building foundation structures to harness the energy of the building’s sub-floor and use it for heating and cooling – project CAMEB Epilot.
The most important outputs achieved by the group in the last 4 years:
Schematic of the use of the energy of the building environment (ground, air, water) in relation to radiant systems for low-temperature heating and high-temperature cooling of buildings. Computational software Epile 2.0 for modelling thermal-hydraulic behaviour, foundation energy piles.
KRAJČÍK, Michal a Ondřej ŠIKULA, 2020. The possibilities and limitations of using radiant wall cooling in new and retrofitted existing buildings. Applied Thermal Engineering. 164, 114490. ISSN 1359-4311. Available from: doi:
- KRAJČÍK, Michal a Ondřej ŠIKULA, 2020. Heat storage efficiency and effective thermal output: Indicators of thermal response and output of radiant heating and cooling systems:Indicators of thermal response and output of radiant heating and cooling systems. Energy and Buildings. 229, 110524. ISSN 0378-7788. Available from: doi:
- ORAVEC, Jakub, Ondřej ŠIKULA, Michal KRAJČÍK, Müslüm ARICI a Martin MOHAPL, 2020. A comparative study on the applicability of six radiant floor, wall, and ceiling heating systems based on thermal performance analysis. Journal of Building Engineering. ISSN 23527102. Available from: doi:
- KRAJČÍK, Michal, Müslüm ARICI, Ondřej ŠIKULA a Martin ŠIMKO, 2021. Review of water-based wall systems: Heating, cooling, and thermal barriers: Heating, cooling, and thermal barriers. Energy and Buildings. 253, 111476. ISSN 0378-7788. Available from: doi:
Research group on prediction, design and assessment of the indoor environment of buildings
Leader: doc. Ing. Aleš Rubina, Ph.D.
The research group deals with the issue of the indoor environment in buildings designed for human habitation or for the operation of demanding production technology. We carry out diagnostics of the environment in operating buildings, monitoring a wide range of parameters – from thermal and humidity microclimate, through air cleanliness to monitoring microbiological factors. Related to this, we also diagnose building technical systems (BTS), where we measure using extensive instrumentation. We also use modern instrumentation to measure the performance parameters of installed equipment and its components (fans, filters, heat exchangers, pumps), including the detection of faults and the design of measures to correct them or to increase the comfort or efficiency of operation. For the application sphere, we create web-based tools for the design of technical equipment or building elements in special cases for which there is no conventional commercial software. We predict the indoor environment of buildings by solving mathematical models using our own programs or external CFD software.
Significant projects in the application sphere supported by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic:
- TA04021284, Energy savings of the data centers achieved by the applied advanced cooling systems and the use of recovery heat with its positive environmental impact
- FW03010062,Smart façade with optimised energy performance
The most significant outputs achieved by the group in the last 4 years:
- RUBINA, A.; UHER, P.; VRÁNA, J.; ZNEBEJÁNEK, J.; SALAJKA, R.; MOŠTĚK, J.; CAKL, D.; VARBANOV, P. Monitoring of fresh water consumption and energy needs for hot tap water heating in residential buildings. Thermal science and engineering progress, 2024, roč. 51, č. June 2024, s. 1-13. ISSN: 2451-9049. DOI:
- RUBINA, A.; UHER, P.; SALAJKA, R.; BAROŇ, A.; CAKL, D.; ŠMAK, M.; BARNAT, J.; VARBANOV, P. Energy and acoustic evaluation of classroom ventilation and its influence on the design of the air-conditioning system. Energy (online), 2024, roč. 294, č. 2024, s. 1-28. ISSN: 1873-6785. Available from:
- RUBINA, A.; UHER, P.; UHER, V.; RUBINOVÁ, O.; BEČKOVSKÝ, D.; HRON, L.; ILČÍK, J.: FSVM software -program for calculation of thermal technical parameters of facade with ventilated gap. ILTEGRO spol. s r.o.
- RUBINA, A.; UHER, P.; VENDLOVÁ, L.; WIERZBICKÁ, H.: OK Vent – Design software for silencers.
- RUBINA, A.; UHER, P.; VRÁNA, J.; NOVOTNÝ, M.; NESPĚŠNÝ, O.; SKŘEK, D.; ŠUHAJDOVÁ, E.; VYSTRČIL, J.; FORMÁNEK, M. Heat Flow through a Facede with a Controlled Ventilated Gap. Buildings, 2023, roč. 13, č. 3, s. 1-20. ISSN: 2075-5309. Available from: DOI:
- SZCEPAŃSKA-WOSZCZYNA, K.; GEDVILAITE, D.; NAZARKO, J.; STASIUKYNAS, A.; RUBINA, A. Assessment of economic convergence among countries in the European Union. Technological and Economic Development of Economy, 2022, roč. 28, č. 5, s. 1572-1588. ISSN: 2029-4921. Available from: DOI:
Experimental Research Group on Heat and Mass Transfer, Heat Exchangers
Leader: doc. Ing. Petr Horák, Ph.D.

The research group is mainly engaged in experimental activities in the field of heat and mass transfer with a focus on heat exchangers and properties of heat transfer agents for applications in HVAC systems and industry. The results of the group’s activities have both theoretical and practical implications. The work of the group is the experimental verification of scientific hypotheses using modern laboratory equipment of the Institute of HVAC. Furthermore, the group focuses on the development and verification of heat and cold exchangers, both traditional designs and materials and new exchangers produced using 3D printing. Currently, the group is also focusing on new types of refrigerants and machine cooling issues.
The most significant outputs achieved by the Group in recent years:
- HORÁK, P.; FORMÁNEK, M.; FEČER, T.; PLÁŠEK, J. Evaporation of refrigerant R134a, R404A and R407C with low mass flux in smooth vertical tube. International journal of heat and mass transfer, 2021, roč. 181, č. 1, s. 1-8. ISSN: 0017-9310.HORÁK, P.; UHER, P.; PLÁŠEK, J.; FORMÁNEK, M.; FEČER, T.; Brno University of Technology.: Heat exchanger. 32502, utility model. (2019)
- HORÁK, P.; POČINKOVÁ, M.; BARTONÍK, A.;Brno University of Technology, Brno, CZ: Heat sewer heat exchanger. 304280, patent. (2014)
- HORÁK, P.; UHER, P.; PLÁŠEK, J.; FORMÁNEK, M.:Heat exchanger; Cross air-to-air heat exchanger made by 3D printing technology. Institute of HVAC. (functional sample)
- FORMÁNEK, M.; HORÁK, P.; DIBLÍK, J.; HIRŠ, J. Experimental Increase in the Efficiency of a Cooling Circuit Using a Desuperheater. Periodica Polytechnica – Civil Engineering, 2016, roč. 60, č. 3, s. 355-360. ISSN: 0553-6626.